What is a gigster?
Do you like to share stories and opinions about the brands you use?
Do you enjoy making selfie videos?
Then you could be a Gigster!
Our platform brings together brands that are looking for real people, like you, to promote their product, service, or special promotion through the type of content you create every day on your social media. Brands get content from the people who use their products and YOU get PAID! Most gigs range from $25-$200. Who doesn’t like to make some extra bacon?
We truly believe authenticity sells— people want to hear about a product or service from someone who actually uses it! That’s where the best stories and sales come from! We are looking for all kinds of Gigsters to share these stories! No matter what your passion—food, fashion, beauty, fitness, lifestyle, family, or travel—we would love for you to join our team of Gigsters and content creators.